XXXII Congress of IAHR
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2007-07-01


From:   2007-07-1 to 2007-07-6

Venue: Venice, Italy

Summary:  Venice and its Lagoon are the remarkable result of the thousand–year old combined action of Art and Nature. Venice, in fact, is not only the splendid jewel case containing countless works of art by painters, sculptors and architects, but is a “work of art” by itself, the product of the skill and care of hydraulic engineers. Over centuries and centuries, since its birth, the city had to live in careful coexistence with the delicate tidal environment where it was founded. While the Magistrato alle Acque, the ancient water authority of the Serenissima Repubblica never ceased to fight against the eternal enemies of Venice: the sea, the rivers and mankind itself, as an ancient Venetian saying goes.

Today the modern Magistrato alle Acque is also engaged in a huge project to combat the increasingly frequent inundations of the city and the degradation of the lagunal landscape. As in the past, and even more today, a variety of technical and non-technical requirements should be met to solve these problems.

The XXXII Congress of IAHR “Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics” will have appealing consonances with the vicissitudes of Venice and its lagoon, as well as with many other aspects of our trade, as you may see in the Call for papers of this website. A special Workshop devoted to “High Water Control and Environmental Issues in the Lagoon of Venice and Analogous Situations” will be held during the congress. We will also be holding courses before the congress and Special Seminars during the congress. The ASCE – COPRI Costal Structures Conference will be held in parallel with IAHR and maritime colleagues registering for both events will be able to take part in a unique range of activities.

Organizers: Giampaolo Di Silvio


Contact Name: Congress Secretariat



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