Expert Meeting on "Sedimentation and Erosion in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions"
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2007-04-16

From:   2007-04-16 to 2007-04-20

Venue: Chalous, IRAN

Summary: Arid and semi arid areas face globally the greatest pressures to deliver and manage soil & water resources. Soil erosion produces sediment, which is the greatest pollutant by volume entering our lakes, streams, and wetlands. Farming, logging, and construction activities are the major contributors to erosion and off-site sedimentation.
The soil erosion and sedimentation control aspects of watershed management involve an interdisciplinary approach to decision- making and planning. Issues on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation control activities can covers a wide range of audience, including building officials, developers, contractors, the general public, international audiences, drain commissioners, watershed organizations, environmental organizations, local health officials, teachers, and local, country, regional, state, and federal agency bodies.
The aim of this Expert Meeting is to learn about science and policy issues that influence the development of effective solutions to minimize soil erosion and off-site sedimentation. The Expert Meeting will form a platform to discuss erosion and sedimentation management for sustainable development. So this Meeting is an opportunity to invite international and regional resource persons, agencies and individuals to come up with an initiative to deal with soil erosion and sediment issues. Such initiative is expected to help regional communities achieve practical outputs through partnership, pooling resources, focusing science, coordinating efforts, sharing information and experiences, and generating a broad basis of support. Besides, it helps build the capacity of the human and institutions involved and enhance their role in watershed management.
Organizers: Ministry of Jihad Agriculture, I.R. Iran and the UNESCO regional representation in Iran

Sponsors: Water Research Institute and other organisations and NGOs
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