International Sediment Initiative Conference (ISIC)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2006-11-12


From 2006-11-12 to 2006-11-15

Venue: Friendship Hall, Khartoum, Sudan

The objectives of this conference are follows:
• to review the available techniques and technology in the field of sediment - monitoring, assessment, management, capacity building, research
• to develop guidelines for a code of practice in the sediment field
• to come up with an international setup to deal with sediment issues
• to find source financing mechanisms for research and capacity building on sediment related issues
• to assess the impact of sediment on water resources, environment and socio-economy
• to create an opportunity for experts and scientists and institutes to exchange ideas and experiences.

Organizers: UNESCO Chair in Water Resources, Khartoum, Sudan

Contact Name: Prof. Abdallah Abdelsalam Ahmed


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