NEWSLETTER (No.30 Sep. 30, 2013)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2013-10-01

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²  Workshop on the International Sediment Advancements (WISA) is organized in Kyoto                                                        1

²  IAHR World Congress kicks off in Chengdu (China)      1

²  ISI steering committee members have a meeting during ISRS2013                                                                                        2

²  The 3rd International Qian Ning Prize is awarded in Kyoto                                                                                                                        2

²  Award for Distinguished Contributions to Sediment Research in 2013 (IJSR) is announced in the ISRS2013    2

²  UN opens high-level meeting on combating desertification                                                                                                                         2

²  More News in ISI Website                                                         3



Conference Report

²  The 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation is held in Kyoto, Japan                                                               4

²  WASWAC World Conference II was held successfully in Chiang Rai, Tailand                                                                      5

²  The 35th IAHR World Congress [PIC]                             6




²  Papers published in Issue 3 Volume 28, 2013, IJSR                  8

²  Advances in River Sediment Research                              8

²  Publications in ISI Information System                             9



Coming Events

²  8th International SedNet conference (Portugal, 6-9 November 2013)                                                                             9

²  International Conference on the Status and Future of World’s Large Rivers (Brazil, 21-25 July 2014)                9

²  6th International Conference on Flood Management (Brazil, Sep. 16-18, 2014)                                                                      10

²  ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change (China, Oct. 13–17, 2013)                                         10

²  River Flow 2014 (Switzerland, Sep. 3-5, 2014)                         10

²  ICCE Symposium on Erosion and Sediment (USA, Dec 11-14, 2014)                                                                                            11

²  More Coming Events in ISI Website                                          11





²   国际泥沙进展研讨会(WISA)在京都召开                         1

²  35届国际水利学大会在成都开幕                             1

²  参加ISRS2013ISI专家指导委员会委员举行会议 2

²  第三届“钱宁国际泥沙科学技术奖”在京都颁奖       2

²  IJSR期刊优秀论文奖在ISRS2013期间颁奖                        2

²  联合国防治荒漠化大会召开                                                    2

²  ISI网更多新闻                                                                                   3




²  第十二次河流泥沙国际学术讨论会在日本京都召开   4

²  世界水土保持协会第二届国际学术研讨会在泰国成功举办                                                                                                      5

²  35届国际水利学大会[图片]                                      6




²  《国际泥沙研究》期刊2013年第28卷第3期论文目录                                                                                                                    8

²  《河流泥沙研究进展》                                                            8

²  ISI信息系统更多出版物                                                          9




²  第八届国际SedNet大会(葡萄牙,2013116-9)                                                                                                                       9

²  世界大河的现状与未来国际学术讨论会(巴西,2014721-25)                                                                                   9

²  第六届国际洪水管理研讨会(巴西,2014916-18)                                                                                              10

²  ECSA 53: 河口、海岸及大陆架科学(变化剧烈时期的河口和近岸地区)(上海,20131013-17)          10

²  第七届国际冲积水力学大会(River Flow)(瑞士,201493-5)                                                                                       10

²  国际大陆侵蚀委员会关于侵蚀与泥沙的讨论会(美国,20141211-14)                                                            11

ISI网更多会议信息                                                                     11

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