Training Course on Sedimentation Engineering(DPRK, Oct. 18-25, 2003)
Author: 系统管理员Source: Updated: 2003-12-29
Training Course on Sedimentation Engineering(DPRK, Oct. 18-25, 2003)
Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Within the framework of UNESCO’s Water Sciences activities, a one-week training course on sedimentation engineering was organized from 18 to 25 October 2003. Supported by UNESCO Office Beijing, the training course aimed at introducing basic concepts related to river sedimentation. Additional organization and support was provided by the International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) of China and the State Hydrometeorological Administration (SHMA) of DPRK.

Two Chinese professors, Dr. Wang Gang from IRTCES and Dr. Cao Wenhong from China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) were invited to give lectures on the following three topics:

  1. Fluvial Processes and River Training: basic properties of sediment transport, general characteristics of river, basic principle and analytic method of riverbed evolution, hydraulic geometry of river, and river regulation;
  2. Soil and Runoff Loss and Its Harnessing: harnessing soil erosion in the source regions of river systems, features of the comprehensive small watershed management, and case studies of successful comprehensive small watershed management; and
  3. Physical Modeling: immovable bed model, movable bed model, and model study.

The lectures were translated into the Korean language. Twenty-nine officials and researchers from the Hydrological Institute of SHMA and Hydraulic Institute of the Science Academy of DPRK participated in the training course. The participants showed great enthusiasm on the course and discussions went on in depth.

In view of the success of this training course, Hydrological Institute of SHMA sent a letter of acknowledgement to IRTCES, recognizing the necessity and significance to further Pyongyang Training Course in Hydrology.


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